Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Let's work on it!

Guten Tag my German friends,
Bonjour to my French friends.
Konichiwa, if I have any Japanese friends.
Ciao to my Italian friends..

HELLO! To the rest of the world!
How are you all!
 ITS A FREAKIN TUESDAY! Can you believe it!?
I have been submitted into a perpetual bliss, I love this feeling and the enjoyment from it. I've actually been working hard. Yes, this includes at work! But also at home, I have even written something for you all to enjoy in a moment. I have rebuilt my Faery house, as it got a bit ruined during my moving. I've even sent an enquiry to an university. (I just had to count my vowels on my fingers, to know if U was a vowel......).
Once I have given you a new post to enjoy. Do you enjoy these little talks? I will be getting my sketch pencil out and doing a picture I want to work upon. Ok, not sure about that one. I might even just read for the rest of evening. WHO KNOWS!

I've set myself a goal. I have been apart of this forum for about four years, and this year they have set a 2014 reading challenge.
The ReadingRoom

My 2014 Reading Challenge is to read 50 books this year. I know I can do it. I did it once in a previous year. I think it was the year of 2012 or was it 2011? So wish me luck.
This has also got me thinking of some other goals I would like to set myself. To make myself feel more, 'in control' I think is the best term to use, or perhaps the better term would be, 'in balance'.
So here is, five I would like to set myself;

  1. Oh, hey generic lets drink more water. It is a needed one though. I believe my headaches might be for the lack of water I have been drinking lately.
  2. To attempt or start to meditate. I used to visit a place in my subconscious and it been a while since I just stopped and let my mind transfer to there. I think it time to start to control this action.
  3. Running, I can't afford a gym anymore. I need some form of exercise in my life. Even it does result to buying a kettle bell and searching YouTube for some work outs.
  4. To write something meaningful and insightful or to even draw something a long those lines at least once a week. It maybe imaginative, creative, or something that is a general knowledge. An article/little talks man!
  5. To become more outspoken. I spent a very long time outside with no coat on, only because I was needed outside, but as much as I tried to get my coat I was told to stay outside. I need to speak up about this stuff!
Let the games begin!

Oh and as promised;
 Let the Lights flicker on
Light up the darken sky
Illuminate the rain drops
One, Two, Three
they will fall.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Positive Creative Approach.

Good Evening World.
No, no... This is not another post about life.

Yes, it is.
I've woken up this morning, I feel like there should be some corny pop star song in the background. Lets add One Direction-Story Of My Life. Wait, that's not quite suited. But I played it this morning as I was driving into work.
A colleague asked if I was feeling better, as last week I have developed these disgusting bags under my eyes and I was also looking ridiculously tired. Today however, I could only give this one reply. Today I am feeling "human." What could I have possibly meant by that, I was not even sure. I mean, I felt so much better than last week. But when I woke up this morning, I was still the same old unbelievably tired, but I felt better for it. Does that make my feeling 'human?' Perhaps it was just a way of saying, I am still not great emotionally, but physically I am fine. I am as humanly as I can possibly be?

Today I have been thinking, why am I here? What could I possibly do, to make a huge impact on the world. I don't know about you, but I always feel like I should be making a change, an impact, something massive for either me, someone else or a huge cluster of people.
I do enjoy driving in my car.. An inspiring time to think, but no time to write.

It also had me thinking. What used to inspire me. What did I use to do, before I started thinking like this.
The answer to that was reading. Yes, reading. To read many books, based around many lives and fictional characters. Most importantly the story behind the pages, the lesson to learn behind each little word, sentence, paragraph that was created within the author speech.

Their creative writing has inspired me to become who I want to be today. They may have learnt their lessons through their storytelling. But I have craved/learnt their lessons as well.
That is why, I now like to write and draw. It is why I want to take it one step further now. Since starting to write upon here, I have been toying with the notion of "what to write?"
When at the end of the day, what I am writing in general is more of interest and more of something that you can take away and learn from it, or become inspired.
So, the fact that I have been turning away my books for fanfiction has been a killing machine. The lack of art and belief, has led me astray.

These articles/little talks I like to call them, will be my inspiration.

Oh and wish me luck for sleeping tonight. This morning I found a huge spider within the bath tub next to my bedroom, I swear it will join me in the night.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Lipcote, Primark Haul.

Did you all  remember that time I posted a clothes Haul video? 
One of the products that I did buy, and spoke about it on the video was a lipstick glue like thing?

Well during my weekend, I have had the best friend up around. This include a drunken night out, of exploring bars in Bristol city centre. Also exploring museums and art work.
Currently just fallen in love with an artist called Francis Danby.
Which I request you all research his work. The artist was born from around mid 1800's or early 1900's. His artwork though of oil paintings and sketches I find realistic, but with a tint of something magical and enchanting.

Now, back to the Lipstick saver thingy. I really should just get off my bed and find the actual true name of this product, to make this more helpful.
Ok, I got over my lazy notion!
The product was from Primark, it has been coming out along with their beauty products. It doesn't have any of the Primark logo on it. I just brought it from Primark and at a price of about £2? So, I did get a little bargain? It is called Lipcote.

I can't actually remember saying it on the video, but I'm pretty sure I did mention I would do a small review on how it went. Did it keep my lipstick sealed on? Did it last for a long time?

Those questions have been answered. Last night, when Christina and I went out to explore the bars of Bristol. I decided to apply and lovely red colour to my lips and to lock in that colour, I applied the Lipcote on top of the lipstick, left it to set for a few moments and then I was off out for the night.
Applying it is easy, using the brush that is provided. Just sweep it over the lipstick, there is a small amount of tingling upon the lips as it settles, but it is quick to disappear.
The most important questions answered though; Yes, this product did keep the lipstick sealed on for a long period of time and it didn't leave that washed off look after having your lips around a glass through each sip of drink.
My lips at the end of the night had more a lip stained look, instead of a blotchy end of the era of the lipstick.
I did only have to reapply the lipstick once during that night, instead of at least five or six times that comes normal.
So, yes a product that I would recommend!

Good evening and good night!

Repeating actions....

Hello world!
How are you all?
Have you had a good week?
Oh, how sweet of you to ask... It consisted of eating, working, sleeping.
That's it!!

This isn't a post where I want you to think, or a post where I want to read what I have been doing with my life.

This is one of those post where I could end up repeating myself again, from many of my other blogs post. I don't wish to do this. There is only so many times and ways I can say, "I wish my life was different", "existential crisis, is a pain in the ass!"
That just one way to describe my week?! I am pretty much getting tired of my own intentions and actions, I feel like I am becoming bound to this fearful, "Am I good enough?" question. Everyday, it's waking up and feeling some form of nostalgia or regret of things I have not done.

Now, to keep this post short tonight and I promise, for the time being while I am feeling this rush of adrenaline and a new sense of confidence I will be working towards a new way. A new way of happy thinking. I do not know, how I am going to be doing this. I just don't want to be repeating my ways anymore, so then my posts will not become something you've already read before.
I have a couple of interesting ideas and I am using the word, 'Article' for them. I'm excited to do this and have gain myself a hobby.
So welcome, to a new way of thinking... Hopefully.


Monday, 17 February 2014

Have your V-day feelings passed?

Hello Lovely World.
How are you all?
Did you have a good Valentines day/weekend? Did you all do something extremely nice?
Are we now over the Valentines honeymoon period? I am typing this whilst watching Let The Right One In. I think it is officially V-day over for me. But then again, didn't Let The Right One In have a little romance between the vampire and the boy? If so, then I have some sick V-day shit going on right now.
Has anybody actually seen the films? Or better read the book?  I love the sick twisted book, I remember reading it and actually wanted to throw up at one point!! Good book, Good book.

Valentines day also had me thinking....:
Creative thinking that is:

I remember feeling all my senses fading into something new. With each page that was turned, the smell of car fumes and many different body odours that was travelling around me on their daily business, but evaporated. With every word my eyes lay upon all fades but an image created before me. The mumbles of voices, cars whizzing by and beeping their horns at the rudely people around them, all but fades and are replaced with speech marked voices from this world I have entered.

There she sits with another book spread opened in her hands. Eyes glazed over as she absorbs the words from the pages before her. Every day upon my lunch break I see her. I see her constantly reading and never look up. My thoughts of her are always questions I want answered. What if I sit next to her, will she look up and notice me? Strike up a conversation? What are you reading?
Silly little thoughts. She has always been far to engrossed on those books she reads, what is it now? The fifth book she has read through, during her time upon on the bench?
It's her beauty that has me entranced. I could stand and watch her for hours just reading. Reading forever to our hearts content. My watching, her reading endlessly.
I couldn't stand there forever though. I must eat and return to the reality I have set myself. Continue to walk, I allow the surrounding people to cover up the mysterious girl who reads. I pass the flower shop to reach my Tescos.
A flower shop. Like all romantic stories and films, I'll impress and set up a little adventure. Each passing day as she becomes engross I will present her a single red rose. Lie it beside her on the next seat of the bench.
A single red rose, for her.

A alarm, sends me from one reality to another. I replace the bookmark and lay the book on my lap, allowing my senses to return to the busy city life. Glancing around, I prepare to stand. That's when I notice the rose, a single red rose, laid next to me bare. I look around for someone who could have placed it there. Not a sight, picking it up and holding it to my nose. I never got round of describing a scent of the rose, but the pure darkest red colour had always got my heart pounding in awe.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Little talks part 2.

Hello world.
How are you all?
I have found the solution to solving my internet problems. That was, to get rid of Windows 8.1!
Did you know that not an easy task. When I was reading it online on how to uninstall it. It basically told me, the best way to not have Windows 8.1 was to not install it in the first place. Jeez thanks mobile internet, could have used that one before I went into a four day manic of stressing out, pushing buttons, pulling my hair out etcetera .
Now, excuse me while I eat a celebratory chocolate bar, because... I NOW HAVE THE INTERNET BACK!
It only cost me a laptop reset. But still keeping the major files needed.
Yes, I am now a happy bunny.
So, lets gets back on to the show of my random thoughts

Did you, the world, know that it is Valentines day tomorrow??
Who is excited? Who's got the boyfriend or girlfriend of their dreams taking them out to that somewhere special? Who's going to get an embarrassment bouquet of flowers/roses at their work tomorrow? Who's going to get that candlelit dinner at home with rose petals leading to their bedroom, that is going to be a bitch to clean up tomorrow? OK, I've ran out of cheesy corny ideas. My thoughts started to lead down the road of, 'who is going to forget their condoms and have an addition in nine months...'
Stop it Claire. Naughty.

What are you all doing for this Valentines?
I would love to hear your comments all about it.............
I'll be sitting in my room pretending I don't exist. No, I am going to have myself a pampering night, I deserve one, I think. I have very kindly swapped my shifts around to a later one for one of my colleagues who wants a valentine thingy. I hope she has a nice time.

I did recently learned, that we celebrate Valentines in a more romancing way because of the Lady Chatterly author.
Typical don't think? I think you people might want to Wikepedia this one.

I don't actually have a point to this Blog post for a change. Just thought I would make you aware of Valentines day tomorrow and that I have no life in my single town and will be spending it alone.
Sad really?

Have a good day tomorrow!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Little talks part 1.

Hello the world! 
Guess what!!!
I have some how managed to fuck up my internet! (Clearly you can tell I have no idea what I am on about!) It's just that no matter how many times I can reset the wi-fi or reset it on my laptop. I am still getting nothing! I blame windows 8.1 installing thingy for that. 
For now, blog posts will be written up on my phone. Thank the heavens for blogger app! 

So I have a quick question. Have anyone actually had any problems with internet connections, saying it is limited. After they have installed the new windows 8.1?? Or am I completely computer stupid and need to bang my head against the wall a few times?? 

You might have notice, I can feel a bit lost with out my internet. Because here I am ranting about it. 

Have a good week lovelies! 

Sunday, 9 February 2014

I've been...

Hello My World.
How are you all on this fine Sunday afternoon?
I'm cold and it has only just stopped raining. I'm so happy to be living in the South West.
I've been having this theory lately, that Britain will be come swallowed up by the ocean. We will become like that land that once tied us together to France.

I've found closure in my chair.
My chair, that has been a place of relaxing and asking those terrible questions. The chair that holds many worlds into one small part of it, as many worlds I enter through the pages I turn. 
It holds all my negative thoughts and more positive thoughts that is building up. 
This chair has answered many of my life questions and is still helping me ponder the more complicated life questions. 
This chair is helping me choose a new path I wish to take in my life. 

This chair has unleashed my very own little world and has set my creative thinking into a whole new level, I wish it will never stop! 
I wish it will continues and it will keep leading me in the right track. 

Saturday, 8 February 2014


This book came out a year ago and I remember the uproar of how terrible the book was and how disappointed of some fans and readers alike was.
I remember the disappointment filling my twitter feed and had me reluctant to purchase this book.
I remember the day I actually bought this book. It was the beginning of the year and I was having some serious fashion feels. I needed something I could read and have some sense of self style. This book appeared before me and I remember thinking to myself, "I forgot about this book ever being created."
I remember picking it up and sitting on a sofa in Waterstones across this lady with half greying hair. She looked like a hiker, in some interesting hiking boots. I remember feeling very glammed up next to her and her eyes piercing into the side of my head as she watched me sit down with this pink hardback on my lap.

I remember flipping through the pages of this book and staring at some of the instagram styled photos that had me feeling jealous of how artistic they are.
I spent half an hour in Waterstones reading parts of the books, the husband of the lady came and exchanged some 'what are going to do next?' discussions before disappearing and purchasing the books within his hands. The lady stayed for some time afterwards, but then finally disappearing into the world of shopping with her husband.
The first paged will always struck me as the love of horses was never really the love of horses. But the love of the clothes she could wear. I related, I had always loved the world of cheerleading, but only for the costumes they wore. I had always been a fan minimalism. The girls bands we tried imitating and those crazy hair styles we wanted when we was younger. I personally remember getting my hairdresser back then, to cut my hair like the Olsen twins from Two of a Kind.

I took the book home and made it a statement around my make-up table. A month passed and I picked it up to give it a read, it lasted me a day.
I can understand the disappointment. I felt it too on some pages.
I also felt that reading a book, I didn't quite understand the point of it.
Then I remembered the reason as to why I was reading the book. I wanted to read something that had an understanding of a sense of style.
I remember finishing the book and developed an understanding of Alexa Chung style, the way she is. What inspired her to dress the way she does.
I remember it also gave me an understanding of how and what I want to dress like. People and their wardrobes that inspire the way I would like to dress.
It also gave me an understanding of what I want to be. An inspiration to others.

A book that had so many bad reviews, turns out to be one of my most inspiring book, I have ever come across.
With this book, it has given me more ideas to write about. More ideas on what and who I would like to be inspired from. It also gave me the determination to clean out my car of CD's and restack them with music I actually enjoy.

So, ta Alexa Chung for being one of my muse, in creating my wardrobe now and in the future and also thank you for letting me realise how I am still unique.

Claire x

An Incident Of A Dog in the Night Time..

Hello Little World!

I feel we are quite little today, no idea why? I just felt the word little was a good word to put today, and today I am just going with gut instinct.
Also, my gut instinct and with help on procrastinating, I created this on my face.

Just thought, it was something else that could be shared with you all. I am still playing with all the makeup from my Clothes Show.

I have been doing a lot of thinking this week, as well as a lot of reading! I've finished two books this week alone. Ok, one of them was a real quick and easy read, but I still enjoyed it.
Let's get my book review on the road. I was going to do a filmed version of this book review, but I preferred  to do it this way. 
To all my fellow readers, you may have heard the tragic story of the ceiling caving in at the Apollo theatre. I wasn't there. I wished I was? Not really, that sounds far too risky. I only have wanted to be there because of the production that was showing at the time of the ceiling caving in. 
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.
(N.B. is it still running at another theatre? I mean, I know it was a year ago or about a year ago, but I still want to see it. Could you please let me know?)
This is a story about a young male known as Christopher. Christopher has Aspergers Syndrome. He sees everything in a logical way. Christopher undergoes an investigation, over a death of his neighbor's dog. Who was tragically killed by a pitch fork. During Christopher detective work, he uncovers a family secret (to put it in the best way possible in my head tonight) and finds out who killed Wellington, (the neighbours dog, incase you was wondering.)
Christopher reminds me of a computer, his thoughts are so logical and mathematical, that I can barely see his emotions. He lets us knows what he doesn't like, and does like. I mean, I understand his pain towards the colour yellow and towards people touching me. As I read this book, he sounds like a computer generated voice or those voices that talk without emotion. The best voice I can describe is Daria, that American animated teenage sitcom? Remember her? But Christopher voice is more of a 14 year old teenager, with no emotion. Why am I finding it so hard to explain this today?
Christopher finds something he shouldn't have and becomes fearful of his father, this causes him to travel to London to live with his mother, whom he had thought was dead. Christopher doesn't like being around places with too many people there. This was a particular interesting read, as I was able to relate to how Christopher felt and what he physically does, is what I used to want to do. The book shows Christopher becoming courageous and developing a sense of determination in controlling his own future and that is why I have fully enjoyed the book.
I particularly really enjoyed how Christopher likes to refer to himself as Sherlock Holmes. He seemed to be a fan of Sherlock Holmes as am I.When you can relate to the character, you just know you are in for a good read. Christopher then stated the most interesting like and dislike of his, that actually had Christina and I have an interesting conversation. Christopher had expressed his enjoyment in reading Sherlock Holmes with which ones was his favourite books. He also expressed a dislike towards Sherlock Holmes's author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, due to Doyles' interest in the world of the supernatural when his son died of influenza. 
This has brought me to the question, if you had to choose on who you liked the best? Sherlock Holmes or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?
The author is Mark Haddon, I feel has shown an understanding of the world behind the eyes of the syndrome. I would also like to point out, that I have no clue of the syndrome and the comment I just made is possibly an extremely biased comment. He has created a book that was funny, with a twist and extremely capturing.
 I haven't read a book like that in a long time, so he gets good Facebook style 'Thumbs up' from me on this book.

So, has anyone read this book? What are views upon this book? Let me know. 

Sunday, 2 February 2014

A new thing to try out??? Little Talks.

Hello lovely world!
How have you been?
Can you believe it is a Sunday night?
I love Sunday nights, I am always relaxed and BBC Radio always have the best things on at that time, you get the Chart show and Dan and Phil! What more can I possibly ask for. I could actually ask for no work on Monday?

Tonight we are going to be having some Little Talks.

I have been receiving advice from a couple of great friends about a previous Blog post. 'Welcome to a new world'
It would seem I have either got them worried, or I have got thinking about something as well. These advice has really helped me. As I did start the week in such a positive/determined mood. I think about midweek (which is pants because I love midweeks), I had a mini relapse. I knew I would, it was inevitable really. Yes, I was doing some work related stuff and literally a thought sprung to mind of, "You're really wasting your life here Claire."
That was all I needed to head back into my one and only existential crisis. By Friday I was all up for being face planting my bedroom floor. I think you should like to know, I didn't. I went to Ikea with a friend for the first time in my life. That is a big shop..... Warehouse?!
These advice I have received are truly inspirational and I thank them so much for giving them to me.
The first piece of advice was:
You are a Muse, your role is to inspire those around you.
I am going to be taking a leaf out those words and do something about it. It is nice to know that I can inspire people or give inspiration to others. So, thanks Ryan for that.

Another advice was from my bestest girl pal, Christina.
She had said to me, "People always feel the need to create life plans, I think that is silly. You don't need a plan to follow things out"
OK, those aren't her exact words and she will correct me, if she reads this. She right though. I don't need a life plan. I just need to do what makes me happy.
So no more existential crisis for the time being! Now for more working on being happy, happy, happy!

Now, after a fantastic shopping, retail therapy where, yes I have concentrated on the three words. Rebellious, Enchanting and Imaginative.
I've decided to create a video around it.
You know, those shopping hauls.
Well, here you go!

I forgot to add these pajamas bottoms!
I think they are gorgeous and so comfortable! They have elephants on them! Brian will be so proud.