Wednesday, 19 March 2014

It's good to move on...

Good day readers of the world!
It has been a tough few days for me and I have just been thinking a lot and feeling quite philosophical with my thoughts. I have been contemplating on how to write this. I wasn't going to write this post, but a friend of mine has given me the idea and made me feel confident to actually write this and brave enough to actually post it.

I have been thinking a lot about friendships the past few days. How there are many different types of friends you can have. You would have; the best friend, that knows every possible secret and every bodily function you have, the friend that is just as close but you can't confide in or be serious with, the not so close friend where it is all about working or alcohol binging, then you have the not so close friend where they don't know much about you or you know much about them. Some of these friends would be one specific person or would be a huge cluster of human beings, (I'm sorry animal lovers.)
We have always been told to treasure our friends and our families with every ounce of love we can possibly give. These friends that we have, will always try to do anything to make you feel great about ourselves, to let us dream and to give the hope of growing confidence that our dreams will one day be met.
Friends that will be a pair of ears during your time of need, friends that will be accepting of your life decision and encourage you to follow your own path, because your happiness is vital as well as their own happiness.
Sometimes this is always not the cause, disagreements will come. Us females, bitchiness and back-stabbing is sometimes inevitable as we are so succumbed into our emotions that we can feel threaten or intimidated by the others around us. Then those falls out will happen and the whole kiss and make-up will come back. We all feel as if we have left the playground years ago, but we are still playing and sometimes someone will come and call you a 'Nickenpoop' and your ultimate reply would be; "Go away, I don't like you any more." It can't be helped, it is the way our mind works.

Another thing in life that affects your friendships, which is life in general. There are many different paths and more so now in these modern days, for a person to take. Whichever path a person take, will always affect the friendships they have. People will just drift away as both of your paths go further away from each other. Sometimes it will be a matter of opinion. Friendships will fade or conflict will arrive because you could disagree with the life paths your friends have chosen. It could also be that the path you have chosen would seem strange and abnormal to them, that the friendship will just cease as soon as you step upon that path.
As we are ever growing, our minds and body will change over time. This also affects the friendship you could have, no matter how long or old the friend may be to you. Those friends will miss the old you, and that old you will never come back and neither will that friend you once had. They could also become jealous or may find that the new you. You may have grown into is someone they find abnormal.

The beauty of friendships is that, although some will leave your life forever, or leave for months on end and may come back. There will always be new friends just around the corner, just like daffodils blossoming in the spring after those dark and cold months.
Yes, it is sad to see some go. But the ones you gain help you in your goal to be a much happier and better person you aspire to be.

Good night!

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