OK, remember two-three weeks ago? I went to London, Christina and I spent the whole time pretty much reading Miranda Hart book- Is It Just Me? Well, guess what My Dear Reader Chum, I have finally finished it. FINISHED IT!
I'm a bit Mirandafied at the moment, so please excuse this Blog. (But, did you see that Miranda, if you EVER read this Blog, did you SEE that.. I have created a new word! Like you did multiple times in your book!)
London actually feels like such a long time ago, but it wasn't really. It was only two weeks ago pretty much. Two weeks ago and I have watched Daniel Radcliffe on stage and admired everything he has done in his career! Two weeks ago. TWO WEEKS AGO!
Here is the news for you Reader Chums out there. I'm moving away, away from my home time, away from the whole growing up with the parents and all that craziness. For I am moving to Bristol!
Bristol!!! It's not too far from where I actually live, but damn this! I'm going to give it ago and if it works out well, move somewhere further! I just need to find my two feet again.
So, my review to the book of Miranda Hart, actually entwine with my moving to Bristol.
I see myself in Miranda, just a few years youngers.. (Ahem.. literally over ten years gap, just need to put it out there OK?) Shes a child at heart, your original J.M.Barrie-Peter Pan; I will never grow up type of person. Yes, I am just like that! We just express it in a different way.
She lets all life difficulties blow past her in an awkward situation and constantly dig herself deeper into the ground. She is an inspiration. Happy with her life as it is, no children, no marriage, single and most certainly in her ideal job she had always dreamed of.
It was her last chapter that had moved me the most, it will have to be most serious point she had made through her entire book. I can swear during those night in London and being wine filled we had so many laughs through reading her book.. SUCH FUN! In her last chapter called dreams and Miranda again, if you are reading this yes! Still at the age of 24, I still imagine myself auditioning for X factor ( a television I have never actually watched) and Simon Cowell putting me into a five part band, where we become HUGE! HUGE I TELL YE!
Oh? Simon Cowell no longer does X factor?? Well fuck my life, I still have another dream that will never actually happen because a) Harry Potter may not actually be real and if it is I am curling into my death ball before I have to admit I am a muggle and b) I cannot have a Pirate Ship and manage it, where I travel to different worlds and fight the bad people. Johnoco, you watch your butt mister! I will defeat you!
Miranda's point in that book though is that through all the hard work, hitting rock bottom and feeling like you are in a dead end job, wondering why you get out of bed every morning. That is because of your dream! Your dreams drive you through those rock bottom hittings. Your dreams drive you through that dead end job and most importantly your dreams drive you to get out of bed every morning! To wake up and remember that dream you had, and to make you work hard until you get there!
So, I am now using my last week in at home packing and finishing my amazing job, to now start a new job that will help me live in a new place where I will have a new adventure to start writing in this blog and with my dreams. I may never get anywhere and still be in my same job, but in a different town/city/country. But I will be doing what I love and that will be writing/painting/reading.
Well done Miranda Hart, you have inspired a soul in the book you have written.
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