Saturday 8 February 2014


This book came out a year ago and I remember the uproar of how terrible the book was and how disappointed of some fans and readers alike was.
I remember the disappointment filling my twitter feed and had me reluctant to purchase this book.
I remember the day I actually bought this book. It was the beginning of the year and I was having some serious fashion feels. I needed something I could read and have some sense of self style. This book appeared before me and I remember thinking to myself, "I forgot about this book ever being created."
I remember picking it up and sitting on a sofa in Waterstones across this lady with half greying hair. She looked like a hiker, in some interesting hiking boots. I remember feeling very glammed up next to her and her eyes piercing into the side of my head as she watched me sit down with this pink hardback on my lap.

I remember flipping through the pages of this book and staring at some of the instagram styled photos that had me feeling jealous of how artistic they are.
I spent half an hour in Waterstones reading parts of the books, the husband of the lady came and exchanged some 'what are going to do next?' discussions before disappearing and purchasing the books within his hands. The lady stayed for some time afterwards, but then finally disappearing into the world of shopping with her husband.
The first paged will always struck me as the love of horses was never really the love of horses. But the love of the clothes she could wear. I related, I had always loved the world of cheerleading, but only for the costumes they wore. I had always been a fan minimalism. The girls bands we tried imitating and those crazy hair styles we wanted when we was younger. I personally remember getting my hairdresser back then, to cut my hair like the Olsen twins from Two of a Kind.

I took the book home and made it a statement around my make-up table. A month passed and I picked it up to give it a read, it lasted me a day.
I can understand the disappointment. I felt it too on some pages.
I also felt that reading a book, I didn't quite understand the point of it.
Then I remembered the reason as to why I was reading the book. I wanted to read something that had an understanding of a sense of style.
I remember finishing the book and developed an understanding of Alexa Chung style, the way she is. What inspired her to dress the way she does.
I remember it also gave me an understanding of how and what I want to dress like. People and their wardrobes that inspire the way I would like to dress.
It also gave me an understanding of what I want to be. An inspiration to others.

A book that had so many bad reviews, turns out to be one of my most inspiring book, I have ever come across.
With this book, it has given me more ideas to write about. More ideas on what and who I would like to be inspired from. It also gave me the determination to clean out my car of CD's and restack them with music I actually enjoy.

So, ta Alexa Chung for being one of my muse, in creating my wardrobe now and in the future and also thank you for letting me realise how I am still unique.

Claire x

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