Monday 17 February 2014

Have your V-day feelings passed?

Hello Lovely World.
How are you all?
Did you have a good Valentines day/weekend? Did you all do something extremely nice?
Are we now over the Valentines honeymoon period? I am typing this whilst watching Let The Right One In. I think it is officially V-day over for me. But then again, didn't Let The Right One In have a little romance between the vampire and the boy? If so, then I have some sick V-day shit going on right now.
Has anybody actually seen the films? Or better read the book?  I love the sick twisted book, I remember reading it and actually wanted to throw up at one point!! Good book, Good book.

Valentines day also had me thinking....:
Creative thinking that is:

I remember feeling all my senses fading into something new. With each page that was turned, the smell of car fumes and many different body odours that was travelling around me on their daily business, but evaporated. With every word my eyes lay upon all fades but an image created before me. The mumbles of voices, cars whizzing by and beeping their horns at the rudely people around them, all but fades and are replaced with speech marked voices from this world I have entered.

There she sits with another book spread opened in her hands. Eyes glazed over as she absorbs the words from the pages before her. Every day upon my lunch break I see her. I see her constantly reading and never look up. My thoughts of her are always questions I want answered. What if I sit next to her, will she look up and notice me? Strike up a conversation? What are you reading?
Silly little thoughts. She has always been far to engrossed on those books she reads, what is it now? The fifth book she has read through, during her time upon on the bench?
It's her beauty that has me entranced. I could stand and watch her for hours just reading. Reading forever to our hearts content. My watching, her reading endlessly.
I couldn't stand there forever though. I must eat and return to the reality I have set myself. Continue to walk, I allow the surrounding people to cover up the mysterious girl who reads. I pass the flower shop to reach my Tescos.
A flower shop. Like all romantic stories and films, I'll impress and set up a little adventure. Each passing day as she becomes engross I will present her a single red rose. Lie it beside her on the next seat of the bench.
A single red rose, for her.

A alarm, sends me from one reality to another. I replace the bookmark and lay the book on my lap, allowing my senses to return to the busy city life. Glancing around, I prepare to stand. That's when I notice the rose, a single red rose, laid next to me bare. I look around for someone who could have placed it there. Not a sight, picking it up and holding it to my nose. I never got round of describing a scent of the rose, but the pure darkest red colour had always got my heart pounding in awe.

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