Sunday 2 February 2014

A new thing to try out??? Little Talks.

Hello lovely world!
How have you been?
Can you believe it is a Sunday night?
I love Sunday nights, I am always relaxed and BBC Radio always have the best things on at that time, you get the Chart show and Dan and Phil! What more can I possibly ask for. I could actually ask for no work on Monday?

Tonight we are going to be having some Little Talks.

I have been receiving advice from a couple of great friends about a previous Blog post. 'Welcome to a new world'
It would seem I have either got them worried, or I have got thinking about something as well. These advice has really helped me. As I did start the week in such a positive/determined mood. I think about midweek (which is pants because I love midweeks), I had a mini relapse. I knew I would, it was inevitable really. Yes, I was doing some work related stuff and literally a thought sprung to mind of, "You're really wasting your life here Claire."
That was all I needed to head back into my one and only existential crisis. By Friday I was all up for being face planting my bedroom floor. I think you should like to know, I didn't. I went to Ikea with a friend for the first time in my life. That is a big shop..... Warehouse?!
These advice I have received are truly inspirational and I thank them so much for giving them to me.
The first piece of advice was:
You are a Muse, your role is to inspire those around you.
I am going to be taking a leaf out those words and do something about it. It is nice to know that I can inspire people or give inspiration to others. So, thanks Ryan for that.

Another advice was from my bestest girl pal, Christina.
She had said to me, "People always feel the need to create life plans, I think that is silly. You don't need a plan to follow things out"
OK, those aren't her exact words and she will correct me, if she reads this. She right though. I don't need a life plan. I just need to do what makes me happy.
So no more existential crisis for the time being! Now for more working on being happy, happy, happy!

Now, after a fantastic shopping, retail therapy where, yes I have concentrated on the three words. Rebellious, Enchanting and Imaginative.
I've decided to create a video around it.
You know, those shopping hauls.
Well, here you go!

I forgot to add these pajamas bottoms!
I think they are gorgeous and so comfortable! They have elephants on them! Brian will be so proud.

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