And that has left me with a mini melt-down. Because technically, this is my last day of my holiday! I mean I have the weekend to play with. But still, I have every weekend off, so it made no difference to me now. Because this FRIDAY, is officially my last day of holiday.
What did you do with you Friday Claire?!
Damn you! I went out of my god forsaken town and did some girlie shopping. Okay, well not girlie enough, because I came home with nothing brought for me. But for my friend's little girl 1st birthday, which is this weekend! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!
My mini breakdown. Well, most of you know I am trying to pursue a career in travel writing, or well writing in general. I have a long way to go, I know, but what happened is the stupidity within myself. I allow myself to get impatient and freak out, because nothing has happened yet! I mean, when I went to see this career advisor two weeks ago she set me a time line to get certain things done. It actually took me about two minutes ago, to realise that I have done all she has asked me to do within the two weeks timeline she has set me. Which was, re-draft my CV and look out there. I have also been out there, looked into shops, ask about job vacancies etc.
WATERSTONES, YOU STILL TURNED ME DOWN! Oh, but I still handed in my volunteer form to the library, waiting for a reply! Fingers cross on me! I also applied to re-take my GCSE Maths, put my first huge deposit into my savings account for my "travelling fund"
So this mini anxiety/panic attack has actually proven to be nothing. I just need to be more patient. I mean, I can't be everything at once, (well that defeats the objective of my first Blog post).
But to just continue my hard-working nature, in a good and stable job I am in now. But outside of work to continue doing the things I love. Which is drawing, fashion, fashion designing and writing. Above all, travelling when I get time and money to explore. Travel writing is where I feel the most creative and being able to describe to you people my adventures is where my heart is.
So for now on, I am going to be making a huge effort into this Blog, into my video Blogs with my brother and on my own channel as well. I want to get myself out there, for you people to see me. The modern way to that now is via the INTERNET!
Christina you cannot disagree with me on this. Because we would have never got our posters signed by We Are In The Crowd at the HitTheDeck Festival, if I wasn't a constant Twitter checker! BOO YA BITCH!
Once I have calmed down, I was able to do some drawing of the dark and mysterious entertainer back in the medieval ages.. The Jester. What happened as I was drawing him though, a lovely dark lady appeared at the side. The Jester wanted to poison her, with her arrogance and seduction upon her rose coloured lips. (Haha, Mills and Boons much?).
It did actually turned into a short drabble. But this is a start to the end of my escapism. And the start to my new life?!
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