Just a little note, I have gone and got myself a bloody Iphone?! That right, I gone up in the world and now can extend my social media addiction to the highest levels, such as: Instagram, Twitter and facebook. I haven't brought myself to install a Tumblr app. This is going to be fucking expensive!
It is safe to say, I am completely addicted to Instagram. And have been playing around with it. More on the lines of editing my pictures and taking pictures, just so I can edit it.
I have found this editing things have become a new hobby of mine. Although I am a beautiful amateur on the subject, I am enjoying the art and creative side of it.

This bank holiday weekend, has been filled with interacting with a great friend of mine. Elaine! Elaine has been my friend since Secondary School, 12 years she keeps telling me.
She came round to stay for the night at mine, with the mother also. We indulged in wine, chips, Pitch Perfect and chocolate Brownies! If you haven't seen the film Pitch Perfect, I seriously recommend it. Amazing!
She also brought her little angel, Isla with her. Isla is her one year old daughter, that came into life after a heavy night out with me in Cardiff. (Okay, that sounded wrong.. ).
Elaine and Isla stayed for the night, I have never had someone so young stay with me for the night. So I personally didn't know what to think. I work with children, and one of the great things about my job is giving them back at the end of the day! Isla on the other hand, made the experience a delight. She went to sleep easily enough for being in a area she didn't know and she woke up at a reasonable time at half past seven in the morning, by sticking her fingers up my nose!
For Saturday, the weather was beautiful and the only thing you should do on a beautiful weather filled Saturday is visit the beach. Which we did. I drove Elaine and Isla to Western Super-Mare.
Western Super-Mare is probably famous for the T4 on the Beach and when the Grand Pier burnt to the ocean a couple of years ago.
I find Western to be an excellent family beach. I also think that it has a deep secret when the sunlight fades away and the party animals come out to play for the night.
On a beautiful day like it was on Saturday, it was just lovely to hang out and have a laugh with Elaine and her little girl. I also learnt on that day, that it was Isla first time to ever visit the beach! She absolutely enjoyed her first experience in the sand and eating her first ice cream!
We also went to see the Sand Sculpture festival. They come to Western every year, just like T4 on the beach and each year they bring their own theme, which they sculpt out of sand. Hence the title. Check out there website- Sand Sculpture in Western Super-Mare
This year theme was "HOLLYWOOD"
But none of that matters because, they had a Harry Potter sculpture!
I mean Harry Freakin' Potter!!!!!
But okay, this is impressive because look at the fine detail of Hogwarts castle and Voldemort head sticking out of the back of Harry!
An amazing day out for us at Western Super-Mare beach!
Sunday, was another beautiful day. Which involved sun-burnt knees and book reading in the park.
Check out Western Super-Mare beach.
If anyone been to T4 on the beach, and are going this year. I think I might just get tickets myself and check out the scene as well.
Next stop, Isle of Wright FESTIVAL!
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