Okay, I lied a bit. I mean you guys did read my previous two Blog?? See I did do something!
I also did....
Monday: I went into town, interacted on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and a major fanfiction spree. I also started the Blog. Also ALSO!!! Tim and I made a fruit Smoothie, then I Zumba it!
The smoothie, or a stomach bug made me really ill. For the next two days. I mean on...
Tuesday: I went into town, determined to hand in this volunteer form for the library. ( I really want a career in books at the moment, so looking into all my possibilities. It will also mean, a university one day... Why do I have do it now!!! I suppose I am just coming back from the rails now).
But the drastic thing was, being ill. I couldn't stay in town for long. Which was fine because it was just POURING with rain. Grumble! I mean, I love the rain. But when you are not well and out in the rain, your bound to be grumpy right?! So a finished Blog later and a terrible drawing..
This then led us on too
Wednesday: Without a good night sleep, and just generally a day of no energy. It resulted to a day of nothing, but... Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and hell even Youtube made an appearance. That was a fun day. It also resulted a rejection from Waterstones. YOUR MISSING OUT ON A GREAT PERSON AND HARD WORKING, WATERSTONES! But I suppose, you just up the antic and re take that GCSE Mathematics, to get somewhere. BRING IT!
It also led to a huge craving of Gummy BEARS! (At this point, I was feeling much better). So I ventured outside to the shops for some gummy bears and a newspaper. Which I am now wondering why do I buy these, because I can listen to the news on the radio, and watch them on the television, but I rarely watch TV as it is.
They was devoured in seconds and I wanted more. But then I didn't want to go back down the shops again because, 1) the shop keeper will be like... "She fucking out those fast!" And 2) I went down the shops with my jumper on backwards and the label sticking out at the front. It took a full blown hour to realise what I have actually done and many roll on the floor laughing afterwards.
The evening was filled with watching Youtubers. AmazingPhil, Danisnotonfire and Nanalew. To name a few. It was the best night ever, because they was so funny! Worth checking them out! It also led me to sit and play Pokémon on the DS.
I brought it months ago, and now I decide to play it!
I still suck at it. Computer games and drawing are so similar. You have to keep going at it, to improve your skills.
This then leads on to today, which is...
Thursday: Today, the morning is filled writing on this. Uploading a very first video on my OWN youtube account, (I've been inspired, by these youtubers). Tidied up a bit, as the parents are returning home tomorrow and I would like to go shopping out in Bristol or something tomorrow, as I just remembered I have this 1st birthday tea party to attend. So I GOT TO BUY A BIRTHDAY PRESENT!!!
I am also having a pepsi moment with a good friend later also! Because I am driving and alcohol is too mainstream. :).
Wonder what the weekend will bring for me?!
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