Wednesday 24 July 2013

Rocking towards the Ballet.

Saturday 20th July, was a new day for me to attempt a new experience. I was out to my local library that morning and volunteer my time with them on the National Reading Challenge with children.
My assistance is needed to communicate to the children about the stories they have read, what they liked most about the book and what book they want to try to read next. As well as giving out achievements stickers for reading stories and congratulating them for completing the Reading Challenge! 
Check out the link for more information on the Reading Challenge and if you have children, encourage them to join the Challenge! They will have a great time disappearing into fictional stories and great adventures!
That evening I spent my time hanging out with my friend Elliot, who is a musician trying to create a band! Worth checking his tumblr page out. We went to the local Taunton Rock On The Green, which is basically local bands playing to an audience. Most of the bands this time round just did covers to general Rock Songs throughout the ages. Which is a great thing, when you are a lover of Rock. But I do like a good original songs from the bands. Elliot and I did have a great time and by the time the good ol' Somerset cider has hit the system for the locals and myself, the dance moves came out. Cheesy dancing has definitely made our night! 
On Sunday, I went to Bristol Hippodrome with the good friend Christina, and we spent the time there watching Swan Lake. Now what an experience! I have never seen a ballet before in my life, so I generally can't give a criticism about it really, or compare to anything.
What I will say about it though, is that I really didn't feel the passion in the dancers, now I think Sawn Lake is a beautiful story and absolutely romantic, the dancers I just didn't feel the passion or the enchanting romance that would find within the story. But a ballet is most certainly a must do within your life time. 

Check out my photos on Instagram!

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