Wednesday 3 July 2013

A Bake-Off!

My work colleagues and I held a bake-off yesterday, Tuesday 2nd July! A friendly competition between me and two other girls that I work closely with. Now I think a friendly competition is a great way to build a good  work relationship with your colleagues. The bake-off consisted of us bringing in cakes that we have hand baked in our time and presented to the other members of staff within our setting to try, admire and then to write down who they thought was the best cake. None of the other colleagues knew who made what cakes, so the competition could then be completely biased. As I said before, a great way to develop a good working relationship with your colleagues because it builds that communication between each other, but most importantly brings in a positive atmosphere within the work setting. The other two girls and I was feeling positive because of the compliments of the cakes that was being said, also the friendly banter that was being past. The other girls just seemed extremely excited over the fact that there is free cake to eat!! You know it is a good working day when there is free cake to munch on. 

The cake I made for the bake-off is a chocolate sponge, with cream cheese and mini oeros. Not going to lie, they was extremely yummy! I like to challenge myself in these situations and make something I have not attempted before. I knew my chances would be weak, when I wanted to make a cake that I haven't attempted to bake before. But I was really pleased with the out come!

Another great thing about the competition is being able to walk away from it, in a positive attitude and know there are things you need to work upon. For me, I walked away knowing I need work on my presentation skills. To make my cakes look more appetising for other to want to try! (If you haven't guessed, I'm not the most tidiest of people. Organised mess!)

The cakes being presented together before they are tasted/tested:-

Cake number one: was a chocolate sponge with chocolate chips within them, topped with either strawberry or mint flavoured icing. YUMMY!
Cake number three: was kind of like tiffin/caramel shortbread! Which I was AMAZING! 

So, to let you all know as well... The winner, or the person with the most votes was:-
ME! Even though, I walked away with things to improve on. The girls voted for my cakes and I was really chuffed. But all the girls walked away with a stronger working relationship than before, and with inspiration to devise another bake-off between a group of other girls, and then the managers to compete. The winners would then compete together for the ultimate champion bake-off! A good reason to start practising eh?!

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