Monday 24 March 2014

Money saving, WHAT?!

Good day readers of the world!
A very happy Monday to you.
There is just something that I want to give to you today, as we all know Mondays and Wednesday can be the hardest days of the week. I have also recently started reading this new book yesterday and there was a quote in it that made me want to change the truthfulness inside of it.
People smile on Fridays, something they tend not to do on any other weekdays.
I read that quote while in the work place and actually looked at everyone around and saw not one smile. It just made me want to smile, so I can give them a little hope. "Hey, it's OK that it is Monday. You know why? Because we are alive to see that Monday."
So, readers of the world. I present you with a computer style happy face. :)
Give a smile everyday of the week, it will be worth it.

 I have also been a little naive lately with the money area. This is actually going to be a long lesson to learn, but I kind of already know the outcome will be worth it. Since moving out of my family home, I have still been treating my cash flow as if I had no responsibility towards bills. Still thinking it OK to splash out on things that I don't actually need, but generally convinced it will make me happy.
No, I am not a shopaholic. Maybe I am when it comes to buying books. No, I generally do have a book addiction. But I know, I just love going around and shopping. It brings me happiness to sail through shops, trying things on and then deciding if it is worth it and then making the ultimate decision, sometimes albeit careless and impulsive decision to buy it. Now that I have entered the independent world of working, paying rent and all other bills, I have realised that I don't actually have the as much as I used to. But I still foolishly try to convince myself otherwise. Naughty.
After years of just spending and buying what I've always wanted. Grabbing a coffee in the typical Starbucks, Costa you name it. I generally thought that having all these materialistic things would be the key to happiness. It is only when it comes to the end of the month, I am realising that I am not happy but constantly stressing over things. Still, I am planning the things I want to buy when the pay day comes.
This is going to be my lesson. It is time to make some cut backs in my life, in order for me to gain that self control of the cash flow.

  • Shopping? Lets try window shopping for a while, and if it gets the point where there is an item of clothing or beauty product just so happens to be a need, I will find a cheaper alternative or go into hibernation from the High-street. (Perhaps, I can start a wish list blog every month for me to become more aware of the fashion around me and not buying the things I don't actually need.)
  • No, you don't need that coffee or that pit stop refresher in a coffee shop, you never talk to anyone in there anyway and you have coffee at home! 
  • Waterstones and other bookshops? HAH! Claire you have 34 books on your shelf that has never been read! Get cracking my dear. Remember the library Claire, the old book smell... Oh yeah. Time to check yourself in for that again.
  • Claire, did you know you could be saving at about £18 if you subscribe to your favourite magazine a year?! You didn't? Well... 

Outcomes, I would like to see;

  • A newly built savings.
  • A more better understanding and value towards money and money saving. I am also hoping, that with this understanding, I will have found an alternative but still stylish way of saving money. 
  • A chance to move again and broaden those dreams you have.
  • A holiday to places that will provide actual memories.
  • An alternative to my need of seeking happiness through shopping, so maybe taking up painting again, actually write a book?! (Hey, Claire. Do you remember your bucket list?).

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