Wednesday 15 January 2014

So what if it's late!?

Good Evening World!
How are we all?

Did you know it is pouring down with rain! I was going to walk home in it, but luckily a colleague gave me a lift! So that was a safe call, I could have gotten soak!

Now I was meant to post something during the weekend, but then my book I am currently reading, got good. So then I was going to post on Monday evening and beautifully came along a huge headache that resorted to an early night sleep and pain killers. So, I was like Tuesday night, Tuesday night I will post! But then came the need to go to bed really early... zzzzzzzzZZZzzZZz.

So here I am four days late.
You know that saying right, 'better late than never.'

This weekend has been inspirational one. Well actually I have been finding this whole week an inspirational one, although a lot of it has been involving sleeping and headaches!
Saturday, I just explored the exciting world of Clifton. That was fun! I found the shop Forbidden Planet.
For a Sci-fy, fantasy, anime/manga fanatic, you would love this shop deeply.
I don't think I was in there for long, because I am only a book fanatic. But I did enjoy looking at their anime, it was the largest anime collection I have seen in Britain! So I was actually content in looking. I did buy something from there. My mother will kill me, because she thinks I have way too many books. Yes, I brought a book. Peter V.Brett- The daylight warrior. This is the third and final book to the Arlen tales, it is about a boy called Arlen who lives in a world where people are afraid to come out in the dark, because the land is overridden of shadow like demons. The only way to keep yourself and home save is by marking house with wards that fight of the demons and stop them from trespassing. Arlen, is a person who decides to tattoo his whole body with the wards and has taken to fighting the demons. I am really looking forward to reading it and finding out what will happen in the end.
I also ended up going into another bookshop, where all the books are £2... £2 books, I am pretty sure I have posted something about this bookshop before. A few months later and I am still in love with the book shop! I love that bookshop! Yes, I did end up buying another book from that shop. Thats the second weekend in a row that I have brought two books. This is becoming too addicting, I spend more time buying books, when I should be reading them.
After that, I decided to hit the cinemas and watch a film. All by myself, because I am a brave person. Some people actually feel intimidated to go to the cinemas on your own. It really isn't that scary, people may judge you for going there on your own, or they may be in complete awe for having the confidence to do what makes you happy.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
What a film! I have seen two new (as in, I've watched them for the first time) films this year, one of them was We Are The Millers and the other was The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
I never will actually think it is in my place to give off spoilers, and I have a friend, who read says she reads my blog and she has kindly asked me not to give the story away.
One thing I will say, and that is within the words from an article I've read on The Guardian careers page.
,people tend to get 'headstuck'- they are stuck inside their minds rather than stuck in reality.
Thank you Rob Archer for that quote.
Thats is one of the lines I would use to describe the film. There is a great quote from that film, that I would like to take me everywhere and that is.
Beautiful things, don't ask for attention.
 So, if you haven't seen The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, I strongly. Yes, I emphasise the word strongly go and see that film! I trust you won't be disappointed.
ARGH, I just want to go and see it again!
With thanks to the writers of that film and Rob Archer, as I now feel like I need to come out of my own head and become more involved in the reality of life.
This does not mean that I will cease reading. Books are my life.
Oh and then on Sunday I...

Also, great news. I have finally found a room that is suitable size and pretty nifty. I am looking forward to moving on this weekend! Wish me luck!
See you soon world!

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