Saturday 2 March 2013


This will be a short post. But I will be writing a freakin essay for you all tomorrow!
But for now, I just spent a good hour of my life talking about Pokémon!!
Only to realise how old school I am! I don't even own a 3DS, so my Pokémon is near as damn considered a Pokémon yellow!
God, I loved that! I remember when I was like 12 and playing that game with my bro and this neighbour kid BFF I had.. (Needless to say, he completed the game for me, while I fought all the Pokémon in the grass!).
But now my friend Marc has only gone and converted me to want to buy the up-to-date stuff.. So we can battle to the death!!!
Only when I have so many level 100 Pokémon... Which will only happen until next year maybe!?
But he now has the Priority to battle and defeat me.. I like to inspire people. :).

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