Sunday, 10 March 2013

First experience, makes you feel..

Like you are learning and living your life.

Basically to go into a little more detail. I crashed my car, completely done for, no more car for Claire. Broken, need a new one... RIP KATIE! Etc etc.
I've never crashed my car before, so this is a new experience for me. And boy didn't I freak out! I am so glad I had a mother and a father to come and save the day and just about drive my car back to my house.
Okay, that sounded pathetic! But I am honestly grateful for my mother and my good friend Christina for coming and chilling me out! I am cup of tea out for the next year, with the amount of tea I had drank that day!

I have learnt my lesson from this experience and I will most certainly make sure to be a better driver, when I get a new car and sort out Katie and not to get distracted by random beeping.....
Thanks the whatever religious beliefs you believe in, that I am fine. :).

But onto today!!!
I would like to wish my mother a Happy Mothers Day, and I am still soo loved that she read my mothers day card so carefully to know that she will be having lunch on me. Which she did have... I made from scratch, listening to and dancing around the kitchen. Everyone enjoyed it... as they ate most of it! What I made was called "Rice nugget and herb tomato sauce." Yes, I will admit I thoroughly enjoyed it as well! So yummy! This is what it looked like...

The mother and the siblings then requested, that I should make them a cake!!! I love cooking and dancing around the kitchen, it just as soothing as reading books or painting pictures. It just that, I hate cleaning the kitchen after myself. I am the most messiest cooker you can meet, and the prospect of tidying up after myself in the kitchen is just terrible! But I did it! In fact, I taught my sister how to make a Victoria sponge cake. Just by getting her to do all the mixing and putting it into the tin and into the oven. Then putting the jam on it and sticking them together. But it was really yummy, so she did a very good job on making the cake!
Now to get philosophical on you all this weekend, I have come by a small realisation about myself. This week, I have learnt I am the only single person out of my cliché of friends. Which actually made me feel really lonely. But then I remembered my bucket list and the terrifying thought of settling down! I am happy single, because I want to do some things before I think about getting married and having children. Yes, rambling about how messed up I am and thinking how it isn't normal for me to get married. It's normal to me, to travel, write, paint, cook, to search into spiritual meanings of life etc. So is it normal for me to feel this way, or is it completely crazy of me.
Most people in my town would call me crazy, and even more crazy for feeling this way. No joke, everyone I nearly know are settling down with children. I love them for it, it means I get to play with the babies that I absolutely adore seeing! But to me, its not for me for like another 20 years or something. Sorry mum!
Sometime during the week, I am going to do a post on my bucket and ways I want to achieve it. I have been side-tracked from it recently and would like to get back towards it again. So doing post about it on here would be the first steps towards it... AGAIN!
See you all later!

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