Thursday, 27 June 2013

CV (Resume)

They recommend that you should update your CV every so often, so you don't have to panic so much when it comes to the time in your life where you are now job hunting.
I didn't follow that through.
So now, I am having to go through the task of trying to update/create a new CV for various positions I wish to apply for.

The major trouble is trying to create a CV that looks appealing, or in better terms. Trying to create a CV that sounds so creative and amazing, that the manager or the applicator would HAVE to meet you, because they are naturally curious as to who could write this amazing thing!
I mean, when these people are reading those CV or covering letters, they are bound to be reading the same thing again and again. So I always want to try and spice it up and sound more creative!
Another difficulty is trying to sound professsional. Being professional is one of my skills, so I actually don't have any problems.
And this is some pointers that might actually help you to sound professional.
  • Buy a dictionary! Or a Thesaurus, sometimes writing a different word, rather than the commonly used word makes you sound more professional than normal.
  • Keep those emotions at bay! No one wants to hear your drama or your boyfriend doing this or that.
  • Hide that personal life. Let them in on your hobbies and your interest. What you did last weekend, or what you cat was doing last night, is just a no. Not until you got that job!

The main thing! Is to sound confident! I'm not confident. I am constantly struck with fear when trying to do new and terrifying things. So forcing myself.... No encouraging myself to think outside of the comfort box has got my nerves tingling!  
Creating a new CV and trying to sound confident, creative and professional. Has me nervous and constricted

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