Monday, 16 September 2013

Welcome to the new adventure!

Hello world!
This won't be a long post.
I am currently sitting at a new desk! (Yes, that is right a new desk. Not sure how new, but I have a desk! No more writing on the edge of my bed!). So, while I am sitting at my new desk typing in this, I am also staring out of my dark window which has no curtains to cover it and all I can think about was that time I watched Insidious on Channel four the other night.
I have moved! I am no longer living in my hometown as of five hours ago! First night in Bristol and I'm not sure how I am going to sleep! I blame my window.
I have a week of exploring my new surroundings before I start my new job, so I'll be sure to add some new Blog post along the way.
It feels strange, but it has only been five hours. New mission is to create new friends and start this grand adventure! But, I feel so brave and oddly enough stupid to be taking this great new step! I'm not even going to university. I literally taken a huge leap, dumped everything and started what could be described as a new chapter of my life.
Leaving my old job, was terribly hard. The children, parents and staff there, was amazing and they will be extremely hard to replace. I just had to keep reminding myself why I had to leave them.
So here I am, sat at my desk, in my new home with a bunch of people I don't know.
Lets get living!

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